Posts by Adam
When to Sell Foreign Currency?
When you sell foreign currency, it’s a sign that you believe the currency you are selling will weaken in value compared to other nations’ currency. How do you determine when it’s the best time to buy and sell foreign currency? While there are numerous factors that affect currency exchange rates, here are five key signs…
Read MoreTop 10 Most Valuable Currencies in the World
What is the most valuable currency in the world? Is it the British Pound, once the most valuable currency in world history? Issued in 775 A.D., it’s now about 1,200 years old. Or is it the world’s reserve currency, the United States dollar? In this Treasury Vault article, we’ve compiled a list of the world’s…
Read MoreWho is Anthony Renfrow AKA TNT Dinar?
“TNT Tony,” “Tony Dinar, and “TNT Superfantastic Dinar Tony” are some of the nicknames of Tony Renfrow, whose full name is Anthony Wayne Renfrow. Although a year-long prison sentence for committing wire fraud for amounts over $10,000 tarnished his reputation, he may still be selling Iraqi dinars through intermediaries. WHO IS TNT DINAR? Who is…
Read MoreShould I Invest in the Philippine Peso?
Over the past year, the US dollar to Philippine peso foreign currency exchange rate has become a very attractive investment. Should investors be optimistic or cautious? In this article, we examine how a high foreign exchange rate can have both advantages and disadvantages for investors. Should you take full advantage of the Philippine peso rate?…
Read MoreThe Dinar Chronicles: 5 Historical Facts Investors Need to Know About the Iraqi Dinar
The Central Bank of Iraq issues the nation’s currency, Iraqi dinar. Many currency trading firms sell dinar to long-term investors who want to buy dinars because of the currency’s low foreign exchange rate to United States dollars. In this article, we will look at how investors stay informed about dinar news and also briefly outline…
Read MoreDinar Intel: 7 Dinar Rumors to Keep an Eye On
Dinar investors believe that the Iraqi dinar will rise in value against the United States dollar. The increase in the value of a currency is called a “revaluation,” or “RV” for short. The uncertainty over when a dinar RV will occur has triggered many rumors. In this article, we will review some popular dinar rumors…
Read More3 Ways Isis in Iraq has Affected the Country’s Economy
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has terrorized many countries in the Middle East and sabotaged the reconstruction of Iraq and prolonged the Syrian Civil War. This group, one of the most virulent extremist groups in history, is a jihadist militant group that originated from an al Qaida splinter group called Jama’at al-Tawhid…
Read More4 Things to Know About Vietnam President Nguyen Phu Trong
In April 2018, Vietnam’s National Assembly elected Nguyen Phu Trong to serve as both the General Secretary of the Community Party of Vietnam and the President of Vietnam. The President has bold plans to reduce state-owned enterprises in favor of further expanding the private sector, which already controls 40 percent of the country’s economy. In this article,…
Read MoreDid The UN Iraq Sanctions Affect Iraq’s Economy?
In 1990, the United Nations applied stringent economic sanctions against the government of Saddam Hussein. Although they were lifted in 2003, after a US-led military coalition ousted him from power, its residual effects still impact Iraq. In this article, we will discuss how these Iraq sanctions have slowed down the country’s economic recovery. 4 WAYS THE UN’S IRAQ SANCTIONS AFFECTED IRAQ’S ECONOMY …
Read MoreWhat Happens When a Country Goes Through Demonetization?
A government may demonetize a certain denomination of coins or banknotes to reform their national currency. By outlawing a high denomination, they try to fix monetary problems, like the widespread dissemination of a counterfeit currency note, a history of corporate tax evasion, or a burgeoning black money market economy. 6 COUNTRIES THAT HAVE GONE THROUGH DEMONETIZATION Demonetization in the Soviet Union Demonetization in North…
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