Fastest Growing Countries: China

Fastest Growing Countries is a series devoted to examining several countries with rapidly expanding economies today, or that...

Game Theory and Economic Controllers

One of the hardest challenges in the field of economics is predicting what exactly people will do when...

Currency vs Bartering

The complexities of the modern money system might seem overly complicated to many. However, the ironic thing about...

Is Inflation Bad?

There are all sorts of economic bogeymen that we hear about in the media. Typically, these can change...

Stockholm School, the Other Keynsianism

The most famous name in economics over the past century, without a doubt, is John Maynard Keynes, the...

Public Choice Theory

We are currently in the throes of another crazy election year, and that means we are going to...

Fastest Growing Countries: India

Fastest Growing Countries is a series devoted to examining several countries with rapidly expanding economies today, or that...

Fastest Growing Countries: Brazil

Fastest Growing Countries is a series devoted to examining several countries with rapidly expanding economies today, or that...

Adam Smith and Classical Economic Theory

On this blog, we discuss lots of ideas that have emerged in modern economics over the past century...